Monday, July 2, 2012

Chapter 6: Using Technology in Partnering

*Describe the "Prensky Apostasy" and then agree or disagree with it... supporting your opinion. Before you write your response, read "Cell Phones are a Distraction" as well.* The Prensky Apostasy states that it is the students job (not the teachers) to use the technology available. Also it is the students jobs to answer the guided questions and master the skills. Also Prensky states that materials such as Powerpoint and SmartBoards should be used by students and not teachers. He believes that these were created just for students therefore should just be used by the students. He also states that children are more "tech savvy" than most teachers-therefore they should be allowed to use the technology primarily themselves. Using the cell phone article, it seems evident that technology can be extremely useful for students in the classroom. All different subject areas can have cell phone usage incorporated into it. All of the cell phones today are extremely advanced and have an abundance of uses from doing google research to going on youtube to email. All of these different components of the cell phone make it an excellent tool for a partnering classroom.

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